Sekai Project, a rising publisher and licenser of Japanese new media and electronic entertainment announced during their live panel at AOD in Santa Clara, CA, their plans to publish two new titles for PC along with setting a release date for a much-awaited previously announced title.
Game synopsis for all of the announced titles and updates can be found below.

The direct sequel to KARAKARA, it features two new heroines: Rebecca=Valentine and Mari=Mizuno.

Rebecca is calm and possesses the gentle disposition of an older sister. One day, she pays a visit to Leon’s diner. She excels at house chores of all sorts; the world being in the “Age of Dust”, Rebecca is adept in gardening. She does, however, carry a peculiar circumstance...

Mari is a young girl training day and night so she can be more like her idol-ninjas. Leon saves Mari from hunger which prompts her to develop a sense of respect for him. Making the most out of her exceptional abilities and her discipline in training, Mari decides to safeguard the diner from threats.

Aisia, Lucia and Cullen will also be returning!

KARAKARA 2 will be released on both Steam and Denpasoft on late 2017!

Neko-Nin Ex Heart
Developer: Whirpool
Japan. From time immemorial, there are those who possess superhuman abilities. These beings who looked like a cross between man and beast are called Demi-Humans. They acted as Ninja and served those in power.

And so time passes to present day——
"We have come from the Fuuma Village to fulfill an ancient contract. To serve you! Nin♪"
Yura and Tama. These ninja cats made their dynamic entrance. These cats approached our hero with their loving aura in full bloom. Their adorableness and will causes our hero to be taken by them. But how will he support them? How on earth do you use ninja in this day and age? As he ponders this question, the sense of being a master begins to sprout in our hero when he interacts with these lovely cats.

But who is spying on them from the shadows…? A heartfelt tale of cat ninja who won't shut up about loyalty, with a bit of action thrown in the mix!

Neko-Nin Ex Heart will be released on both SteamDenpasoft and Nutaku this April! The Denpasoft and Nutaku versions will NOT have mosaic censorship! 

Project Lux
Developer: Spicy Tails

Our story takes place in a court trial, set in a futuristic world where most humans have cyberbrains. The defendant on trial is an agent who coordinates with artists to create the data for cyberbrains to interact with people's emotions. The victim is a girl artist named Lux. The jury has to investigate what really happened by reliving the memory data of the defendant.

This title is Spicy Tail's new adventure adopting HMD in a VR space. There will also be an option for the game to be played without the use of VR.

Project Lux will be making its way to Steam on March 31st!
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