They needed a new hero…….So they built….Heat Guy J

Android J was secretly built by the government to be the partner of special agent Daisuke Aurora and to combat crime in the oceanic city nation of Judoh. While J initially appears to be human, the illusion quickly disappears in clouds of scorching steam when he fights….

The most dangerous criminals will soon find themselves on the run from the underground legend known as Heat Guy!

The notorious mob boss the Vampire has died, with his death it opens up a power vacuum that several powerful mob bosses would like to fill. The new mob don or Vampire is left to the only son of the former leader Clair Leonelli. A psychotic youth that gains pleasure from watching those suffer and is one not to be crossed; those who do don’t get a second chance.

Enter Daisuke a brash young man who works for an under funded government organization to help prevent future crimes. He is teamed up with J an android. In fact the only android who is allowed to operate within the city of Judoh. Together they help to fight those who might break the android law or would dare to disrupt the peace of Judoh.

The first DVD contains 4 episodes GUY, WAR, BOMB, and CHAOS

Each single word titled episode helps to describe the theme for that particular episode.

1. Guy – Talks about the introduction of Heat Guy J and the partnership between the formidable android and its partner Daisuke.

2. War – Show’s the ever-growing tension between the various crime bosses that dare to become the next Vampire of Judoh city.

3. Bomb – A mad man is on the loose bombing buildings at random or is he?

4. Chaos – a mysterious man enters Judoh and he’s here for one purpose to destroy

Heat Guy J, what are his motives?

Heat J Guy has a good story to it, the animation is very well done, but one thing I have against it is the use of CG animation. Personally, I have nothing against CG animation when it is done right or to enhance a scene and I know a lot more series are using it. However, I think there was an over usage. Too many scenes cut to the CG then back to normal animation. The cut scenes don’t blend well together, there are instances with the use of both CG and normal animation styles, and the CG seems to take a little away from that moment.

As with most Pioneer DVD releases the video was crisp and clean, if there were any problems I didn’t notice them. As for the audio again you couldn’t ask for a better job.

Heat Guy J is offered in ANAMORPHIC wide screen with English Audio Dolby digital 2.0 and Japanese Audio Dolby Digital 2.0 as well.

This copy comes with a reversible cover with concept art of Heat Guy on it. Also offered with the disk is a pull out movie poster showing several of the main characters such as,

Daisuke, Heat Guy J, their division head Kyoko, the villainous and criminally insane Clair Leonelli.

Sadly that’s about all of the special features that come with this disk. One of the biggest disappointed by far with this DVD was the lack of any special features. The only features being offered were the DVD credits and previews of future pioneer releases. It’s a shame not even character bios or even production info was offered. Something I hope to see in the next release in the series.

The menu screens for this DVD are very eye catching, the main menu screen shows several of the main characters, such as J in fights or Kyoko working away in the office or Clair Leonelli, the menu has a kind of targeting look, as if u were following them with a pair of binoculars. The special features screen, show’s schematic layouts of J. The music for the menus is a powerful cyber beat style theme, which really grabs the viewers’ attention.

Even with the lack of any attempt at special features I would have to say it’s definitely an interesting anime series that’s showing a lot of early potential. Hopefully in the coming disks, there will be more attention to the extra features.

Matt Capranos

Animation: 7 / 10
Story: 7 / 10
Audio: 8 / 10
Video: 8 / 10
Extras: 2 / 10
Impact Rating: 7 / 10



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